The film called 'The Pianist' it's directed and produced by Roman Polanski (Romek), who was born the 18th of August of the year 1933 in Paris, although he's polish-jewish. Poland was conquered by Germany in the year 1939, and he spent the last 6 years of
his childhood alone because his parents were killed in the Holocaust. He travelled back to Paris when that happened. The film talks about this subject, the jews in the Nazi Germany with Adolf Hitler at the head. It is based on the autobiography 'The Pianist' by Wladyslaw Szpilman who's also the main character of the film. It is a deep story that talks about Szpilman, a pianist who is jewish and has to sell his piano for money. In their family they have very little money and as they are jewish, anyways they aren't allowed to have more. He meets a girl, called Dorota. They fall in love but they can't be together because Szpilman's jewish. Small time later the jews began to need to wear a white band with a 6-points star in color blue on the right arm to being differenciated from the others, and then they had to move to a place sorrounded by walls where there lived all jews. Although his family (specially his brother) didn't agree with him, he began working in a restaurant (only jews, of course) which was for richs. Richs didn't care about poors like Szpilman's family, but anyways he worked there playing the piano for them. Soon later they took him and his family to a concentration camp. A friend of him who was in the jewish polish could save him but not his family. He scaped and found a friend in the work area he was assigned. As one of the group of workers had to go each day to the village to buy 3kg of potatoes and bread for each worker, Szpilman's friend did it and in the sacs of him and his friend he hided a pair of guns. When they were walking in the nightime to the place they slept, they threw them over the wall to the jews that lived there. Szpilman decided he wanted to be on there no more, and he was going to scape. He told his friend to talk with some friends of him in the village and that way Szpilman could scape. He finally went living to a department 'near the wall but safe'. He saw how the jews in the other side of the wall attacked the germans. Soon later he had to move because his neighbor discovered he was jew. He went to the adress his friend said he had to go in case of emergency and he ended in Dorota and his husband's house. They welcomed him and he soon moved to a department (again) for himself which was near the german's police station. They locked him inside and brought him food. Time later Szpilman got ill right when Dorota and his husband were going to move to another home because they were in danger. They left Szpilman at the responsibility of a friend of theirs, but soon he discovered he was asking for money in his name. The germans bombed the building where Szpilman was and he hided in the hospital. There, he found some legumes and he cooked them. Even when he was at his limit he imaginary piano. Later he heard they were going to bomb the hospital. He ran and hide in a house that was already bombed and found a can with melon inside. Next day, when he was trying to open it, a german officer found him. There was a piano there, and he asked him to play it to proove he was a pianist. Szpilman played and the officer left him there. Germans went outside the country a week later and the polish people entered. Szpilman finally worked as a pianist for the polish radio. In my opinion this film is very engaging and also sad. I enjoyed watching it a lot.